October 14, 2008

What is Imaging?

Byzone Definition of Imaging:
Imaging is the extreme cruelty of the binding of laptops. They take away your admin privleges and spy on you...

They also claim to "install software for you" and "keep you safe". Unfortunately thats the opposite. It clogs up, and thats why last year everyone hated the Macs because it was slow. Why? It was imaged.

They also can view, spy, and control your computer with specified paid software from Apple. By taking the admin privledges away through imaging, they make it so thating your computer to be spied on. And you can't change that. Why? Cause they take away your admin privledges.

By doing that, you can also not install software without your parent's approval. Double bonus for the Apple staff. :|



  1. When are you going to put my picture onto the heading??? Look in your email account

  2. Tenshi: I'm kind of busy right now, all the tests, you know, ...

    I'll upload it this weekend. Sorry. I was ABOUT to make a post on that... But I didn't. :|

    Thanks Ground of Fabs. :D

  3. maybe thats why you dont get your computer imaged? unlike some people. :P

  4. :) I thought you were STUDYING for TESTS... Lol.

    ... Ya, imaging is bad.

  5. My mac is imaged D:
    I hate it :/

  6. Oh. I think it IS possible to unimage but I am not willing to risk someone's work laptop...

    Well, if someone has a hard drive and backed it up using Time Machine, then I think I CAN<-- try to help, but only during a holiday such as Christmas and Summer, since if something BAD happens, we can still restore it using Time Machine.

    But it's still kind of risky. But possible. :)
