October 16, 2008

... Postphone?+New MacBook Pros thoughts

@Justin: Isn't free dress day supposed to be free? Lol. And postpone isn't spelt as "postphone".

Justin's quote-of-the-day:
Teacher: "What system is your brain in?"
Justin: "Organ system."

LOL. :) As the Ground of Fabs said, the new MacBook Pros are quite cool. I attached a picture here:
Well you see, it has the new black edges around the screen and it's only available in the glossy (Glare. Ever met that on a MacBook? I have. :| It's horrible.) The new MacBook Pro is a combination of the iMac's screen where the screen edge area is black, and the glossy display, and the new rounded edges come from the MacBook Air, and the original form factor comes from the original MacBook Pro.

The picture on the right (----->) shows that the new MacBook pro has the latch, which the normal MacBooks have right now-If you don't know what a "latch" is, it's the thing where you put your hands into to pull the screen up. Originally, the MacBook Pro had this button where you push it and the screen will be released and you push the screen up. So it's a magnetic latch, as I heard from other people on forums.

Along with the new MacBook pros, a new MacBook was released. No offense, I think it looks even worse than the new MacBook Pro. The black bordering screen area for the new MacBook Pros make the whole thing look bad.
What differs the new MacBook from the MacBook Pro is that the new MacBook Pros have two graphics card, one for high performance, and one for battery saving, which is integrated, so that it saps less battery (Up to 5 hours).

Also, the new MacBooks and MacBook Pros only have one touchpad, without the thing that you press on. On the new MacBook Pro, it is possible of multi-touch gestures, and also that it has been made bigger.
The new black keyboard also comes from the MacBook Air design. :|
The speakers have been made smaller.

And here's a picture for you to compare it with the keyboard of the new MacBook Pros with the MacBooks-Notice that the white MacBooks, (Previous design of the MacBooks) have a button under it, while the new MacBook Pros and MacBooks have NO buttons under it, allowing more space.
Would I buy it? (New MacBook Pro) I don't know. I am in need of a computer that can animate properly (Dell desktop is too inconvenient, and I will probably have to format it and reinstall Windows again soon-I clogged it up with many projects over the last few years. :D), and if I animate on my existing MacBook, then that means that it will clog up and make my laptop slower, since I only have around 40 GB space left (Leopard kindly donated 30 GB to Windows...). So that means that I will probably have to buy a new desktop, either an iMac, or a MacBook Pro. Personally, I think that a MacBook Pro is better since I can move it around and that it has better graphics... And it looks okay horrible. :| Will I still get it? Probably. Bring it to school? No. :| A bit too heavy, since it is a third (1/3) more heavier than the previous model.


Images courtsey from Apple. I decided against hotlinking them, because then it would use up Apple's bandwidth and then they might sue me.

But all the credits for the pictures in this post goes to Apple.

Update: I hotlinked all of the pictures except one-I hope Apple likes the links, since if people click on them, it goes to Apple.Com's version. :)


  1. i completely agree. the black in everything (screen border, keyboard especially) spoils it all. i don't like the mouse either.

  2. Mouse is cool, but the screen border looks stupid. Keyboard is ok, but screen border is even worse.

    I might get it only for the capabilities. :|

    You're lucky you got a refurbished one. :)

    The mouse is ok though. :) I don't really use the clicking, although I sometimes find myself using it and it makes a lot of noise.

    I like the idea of more mouse space. Lol.

    They really shouldn't have done that, whether it's innovative or not, whether it's a combination of the iMac and the MacBook Air plus the elements of the MacBook Pros.

    And of course, thanks for commenting. :)
