October 14, 2008

Should I call Lee? Or should I not?

Should I call Lee right now? I want to ask his opinion on something... :| But he's not on MSN or Google Talk. >.<

Should I? Or should I not?

Message to Shinigami James: If you don't like this blog, stop following it then.

... Ok, whatever, I'm calling him now. I hope I"m not disturbing him. :0

Update: This is my 70th post! ... No, James, don't post here and say that I post useless stuff and thats how I filled up to my 70th post. If you would see all my posts then it would fill many pages in Word. :) As I said on Juliet Benjamyn's blog (Funny, I think the warning-notification message disappeared. :|), "Random?! Useless?! What about YOURS? Random killing spree. Ya. 1 and 2. 3 and 4. Oh no. I hate my life. My wii was taken away.

I don't insult yours. Why do you insult other people's?! (Including mine)
". The post where the comment on is here: IHateStandardFormBlog.

