September 27, 2008

Fabs... The Mousebreaker

I'm currently creating a photo right now for my blog in paint. It's kind of hard to make so I'm going to take a rest.

Update at 12:56 PM- It's really stupid how Fabio took my mouse and decided to drop it. Now it feels weird. If anything is wrong with it, I'm blaming Fabs.

Update at 5:39 PM-In case you're wondering, yes, Fabio likes the name Fabs. I asked him once and he said ok. I also created my profile picture for Blogger. Yes, I am FULLY aware that it can be copied on my "lookalikes", aka, name copiers, and I'm going to brand it later. Like NOW.

Update at 6:04 PM-Finally things are going! I finished the branding of my profile picture and now it looks good. :) I kinda messed up on the X though, but I cannot fix it now... Lol. I'm probably going to make the FyreWhirl intro animation sometime later. I wonder where I would put it though after I'm done. :)

Update at 6:09 PM-I have a really good idea for the animation... ... Actually I don't. :P

Update at 6:18 PM-I'm off to watch Kung Fu panda on my MacBook. Why? For inspiration. What inspiration? Movies, animations, music, ...

... Ok... When I insert the disk a weird humming noise appears... And after a while it got rejected and went out. Let me try again... *Push* *Sounds* *Hears the "healthy" disk spinning* Oh noes... I think I hear the weird humming noise AGAIN.

... Ok. Third time the... Whatever. *Inserts and waits* Yes! It works! :P Off for some inspiration. (I like the sound effects and some of the music in it.)

Update at 7:34 PM-Gonna play Halo with Lee now. Read this important news article: Yahoo News. Also watching Counter Striker Trailer on YouTube.

Update at 8:29 PM-Stopped playing Halo with Lee, since I was lagging. Went on Mac Halo and played with Fabs. I owned him in both matches, and the later one, he said he had to go. LOL, probably because I was owning him really badly in it? LOL.


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